The Definition Complex

We pace our lives like a dictionary. The ultimate goal – definition.

But why?

Toni Morrison once wrote “But since why is to difficult to handle, one must take refuge in how.” So that is what we all must do. We must not get stuck on WHY we have this uncontrollable, constant need for definition, but figure out HOW to learn to live around it. We need learn how to not get hung up on what other people think of us and in what way society decides to define us, but rather how to live our lives the way that we were born to live them – as who we are.

Now trust me, I have as big of a definition complex as the next person. Writing more or less makes my life. It is the only thing in this world that is able to incite pure joy within my outwardly cynical shell, and it is what I plan to do with the rest of my life. And since I define myself as a writer I constantly question to myself whether or not I am living the life that a writer should. I am a writer, yet I am not constantly devouring classic books… does that mean that there is something wrong with me? Should I have read every work by Ernest Hemingway by now? Should I be reading two books a day? Being an 18 year old writer should I be published by now? Should my definition now be failure? NO. There is only one definition that should matter and that definition is ME, whichever me that may be.

It’s a tricky world we live in these days and it is us who are not only the victims of societies devilish demands, but also the creators of these vicious monsters that threaten to tear us apart. But, whether you are victim or villain, there is still one factor that makes all the difference – you. Me. All of us. We have the power to change not only our circumstances, but the world. So I propose a new goal.  I say we stop trying to change ourselves, but try to grow. To flourish as the amazing people we were created to be. Lets embark on this journey together. As friends. As comrades. As equals. So… are you in?

Screw your definition. Lets start living.

– Alivia London